
Friday, September 12, 2008

How to Create a Space For Inner Sanctuary

In today's world, we all lead such busy lives. With hectic careers, pressing family obligations, community commitments, exercise routines Cenlscyaxea so much more. It can be hard to find a moment's peace.

An ideal way to give yourself perfect solitude is to create an inner sanctuary in your home. But instant car insurance quote may be thinking, "I truly do not have room for anything else in my home!" Don't worry -- the idea is not to add more, only to compliment what you already have. Your inner sanctuary works with your life, not in direct competition with your life. You know you have the perfect inner sanctuary when it fits comfortably with your life like an old pair of shoes you've always loved.

Begin by setting your ideal intention: to create an inner sanctuary. But your reasons for wanting an inner sanctuary may be so different from your neighbor down the block. Your neighbor may Ignorance stress relief from her 60-hour workweek, while you would like a few moments to yourself refiance mortgage a stay-at-home mom to four boys. Personalize your intention for best results.

Clear out all the clutter. Once you've found your little corner or nook where you'll have your inner sanctuary, clear out all of the clutter that may have existed there. Clutter actually affects us spiritually, so don't be surprised when this has profound spiritual affect upon you. Simply clearing the clutter can be very healing and a moving experience.

Investigate Feng Shui practices. Feng Shui is the eastern art of placing objects and furniture in your home in the ideal place for balance in your life. Having pairs of things can be very useful in your inner sanctuary if you are hoping to work on healing a love relationship -- as pairs of objects represent paired romantic relationships. Flowers or even statues of animals can be ideal. Reds and pinks are great romantic relationship colors.

Welcome all of your senses. Your inner sanctuary should invite you by sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. As you enter your inner sanctuary you should feel a sense of calm and peace wash over you. Think deeply before adding or removing things from your inner sanctuary. Always ask, "Will this enhance my inner sanctuary?" Listen to your intuition, as it will always guide you to make the best decision.

Create a meditation space. An inner sanctuary is the ideal space for daily meditation or even just quiet reflection. A daily meditation practice can be beneficial to you on many levels -- physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Add a comfortable cushion to sit on and some meditation music to play as you meditate. Consider adding pictures or objects that you find sacred or inspirational. They will lift your spirit higher as you go into meditation.

Nurture yourself through your surroundings. Any inner sanctuary that you create should fill your spirit with great calmness and peace. The colors and design of your inner sanctuary is deeply personal, as what you add to your inner sanctuary is not necessarily what another would put in their inner sanctuary. Give yourself great self-love and nurturing through your inner sanctuary.

Make the decision if others are welcome. While some inner sanctuaries are located in public areas of the home, others are considered strictly "off-limits." If you live with other people, you will need to decide if your inner sanctuary is an area where others are welcome to enter. Deciding to invite your children or spouse in to meditate with you can bring greater peace into their lives and your relationships. But it also can take away this very personal space that you have created. Some inner sanctuaries can be created to be completely portable so you can put them up and take them down. One woman with eight children created an inner sanctuary out of a covered milk crate and opening her large closet doors. When her children saw the closet doors opened, they knew Mommy was having "private time."

An inner sanctuary can be healing and inspiring. Your inner sanctuary is a place you can visit each day, in the morning and once again in the evening. Take this time to meditate, pray or read inspirational books or quotes. This inner sanctuary will nurture and feed you gently each day. This special place is something that each of us deserves to have in our lives.

Evelyn Lim is a life coach, who writes passionately on self help topics such as positive thinking, law of attraction, and conscious living. For a free report on How to Manifest What You Want, a 7 part email course on attracting abundance, and articles on">subconscious mind power, please sign up to her newsletter at">